Employer Policy
The Clarkson Kevin ’81 and Annie Parker Career Center will partner with your organization to hire the next generation of leaders and problem solvers. We will assist you with all of your company career related needs and more. From on campus recruitment and educational career workshops to connecting with departments and student organizations, our team is happy to support and partner with you.
Looking to recruit a Golden Knight?
- Post your internships, co-ops, entry-level and experienced positions on Handshake.
- Share more about your company’s history, impact, and culture as well as the work you do and the opportunities you are seeking through a Discover Session.
- Email career@paulytheprayingpup.com to work with our team to help you learn more about our students, recruit talent and become engaged as a lifelong partner!
Quick Engagements
- Advertising & Recruitment opportunities on Handshake
- Class Profile Information & Salary Data
- Corporate Branding on Social Media
- Exposure to students through targeted, quick and easy programming: Discovery Sessions, Lunch and Learns, Student Group Presentations, Workshops, Panels, etc.
Partnerships with Our Office
- Career Center HireAKnight Partner Program
- Co-Branded Badges for New-Hire Readiness
- Continuing Education, Degree Completion, and Training
- Summer and Winter Break Programs for unique and targeted populations
Requirements for hiring:
- Position must be full time (35 hours per week or more)
- All co-ops must be paid minimum wage or higher
- Duration of co-op (regarding start and end dates) must coincide with registrar’s enrollment period each semester
- No more than two consecutive co-op terms will be permitted for any student
- Experience must be related to the student’s major
- Employers are asked to fill out one survey at the completion of the student’s experience via Handshake
- All other state and federal employment laws apply
Housing assistance is not required, but can be used as a competitive advantage to attract candidates to your program. Each employer handles housing and relocation assistance differently.
As part of the co-op program, students must be compensated. The average salary for Fall 2020/Spring 2021 Co-Op was $26.25 average hourly wage (varies by major). Contact the Career Center for more information.
All co-ops are required to run throughout the duration of the coinciding academic semester. Many employers prefer to add a summer on to the experience. Employers may ask a co-op to stay one additional semester. Please note, a student is only allowed to take up to two consecutive semesters away on co-op.
Requirements for hiring:
- Position must be 150 hours minimum.
- Experience should be related to the student’s major
- Employers are asked to fill out one survey at the completion of the student’s experience
- All other state and federal employment laws apply
Housing assistance is not required, but can be used as a competitive advantage to attract candidates to your program. Each employer handles housing and relocation assistance differently.
Internship positions are typically paid. The average salary for Summer 2020 internship was $19.00 varies by major). Contact the Career Center for more information.
Internships are typically completed during the summer break.
Develop a job description: This provides the student with a clear understanding of expected responsibilities, qualifications, and supervision. Because this form acts as a contractual agreement, be very specific about what the student will be doing. The student and faculty advisor use the job description to establish learning objectives, which they are asked to share with you.
The job description is used by the Career Center to promote the openings to qualified students. Additionally, you should be sure to include instructions on what application materials are required (resume, cover letter, etc.) and to whom and how they should be submitted.
Market your opportunity. The best way to share your opportunities with students is to create an account on Handshake where you can post as many positions as you wish for absolutely no cost (go to http://avur.paulytheprayingpup.com/career-center/employers for more information). Questions? contact our office at 315-268-6477 or career@paulytheprayingpup.com.
The Career Center strongly recommends that you request a resume from each student applicant.
The following table reflects recommended time frames to recruit candidates for internship and co-op positions, these recommendations will ensure there is ample time to promote your opportunity and select the right student.
For an Internship/Co-op During | Advertise During |
Fall Semester (Sept.-Dec.) | March-April |
Winter Break (Dec.-Jan.) | August-November |
Spring Semester (Jan.-April) | September-November |
Summer (May-August) | January-March |
Communicate with the student early. Providing a timeline of pre-arrival/arrival information will allow the student to be prepared. Often companies will provide housing options, local attractions, and what to expect while at your company.
Create a mentorship program. Pair the student with a full-time employee who will serve as a resource while they are at your company. Encourage networking within the organization.
Plan a special project for the student(s) to work on. Challenge them to create something or problem solve as a group. Students have indicated that they appreciate feeling like they have made a different at the organization by completing meaningful work. They enjoy learning by completing tasks related to their major and prefer to stay busy.
Do you have activities such as special training programs, performance reviews, lunches with executives, or social events outside of the standard work day? Invite the student. If students have a good experience working for you, they are likely to tell their friends- word spreads- and chances of attracting good students for next year will increase.

Employers that utilize our services are expected to report hires of CU students. This information is critical as we are obligated by federal regulations to report placement outcomes of federally funded programs. Therefore, IT IS CRUCIAL that employers partnering with us take the time to provide us with this data. Report your hires by responding to our quick survey. Scan the QR Code shown.
The Career Center believes that it is in the best interests of both students and employers to allow adequate time for a candidate to make an informed decision about whether to accept or decline an offer. Employers must give students at least 2 weeks to decide once a written offer is extended. Students should not be subjected to exploding offers, which push students to accept a job offer within a very short time or face having the offer rescinded.
The use of alcohol in the recruiting process is prohibited. Marketing and/or advertisement of alcohol or alcohol-related activities on the campus or in official University publications is strictly prohibited. Student Focused publications will not accept advertising that promotes the irresponsible use or consumption of alcoholic beverages. The Career Center is prohibited from posting job opportunities, or supporting on campus recruiting efforts, of employers in the cannabis industry as it is a direct violation of the federal DrugFree Schools and Campus Regulations.
Clarkson University is committed to the principles of equal opportunity, respect and fair treatment for all. Accordingly, the Career Center reserves the right to reject postings from any prospective employer whose posting, policies or procedures appear to violate the University's commitment to equal opportunity and fair treatment for all, regardless of race, color, sex, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, marital status or status as a military veteran. Additional factors that may lead to exclusion from recruitment activities at CU include: fraud, misrepresentation, breach of confidentiality, complaints by or harassment of CU students, alumni, or staff; sexual misconduct, failure to adhere to university policies, and/or any violation of federal state and local laws, including requiring personal information (e.g. bank and/or Social Security numbers) when not part of the hiring process. Federal Law requires the University to investigate and take reasonable action in response to any such complaints. If it is determined that a complaint is justified, we reserve the right to deny requests for future recruitment activity. In such cases, the organization will be given the opportunity to respond to the complaint; final decisions will be communicated in writing. For any of the aforementioned reasons, the CU Career Center reserves the right to terminate/ refuse the participation of any organization in Career Center activities or affiliations.
This document provides details on recruiting policies and procedures. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in loss of recruiting privileges through The Career Center and on the Clarkson campus. The Career Center offers assistance to employers and individuals in accordance with the National Association of Colleges and Employers. Employers and organizations recruiting are expected to abide by and adhere to the NACE Principles for Professional Practice, the U.S. equal opportunity and nondiscrimination laws, Clarkson University’s Nondiscrimination and Harassment Policy and the Fair Labor Standards Act. Approval to use Clarkson facilities does not imply University approval or endorsement of the recruiting organization/individual or its policies, practices or products/services.
In order to remain eligible for The Center for Career employer recruitment and services, all employers must abide by the policies listed below. In addition, Clarkson University reserves the right to alter these requirements or include additional requirements for specific services, as deemed appropriate by the institution.
- Employers must be familiar with and abide by NACE Principles for Professional Practice
- Employers must be familiar with and abide by U.S. equal opportunity and nondiscrimination laws
- Employers must be familiar with and abide by the Fair Labor Standards Act.
- Employers must abide by the Department of Justice’s Immigration and Nationality Act prohibiting unfair immigration-related employment practices. 8 U.S.C. § 1324b.
- Employers must ensure that all recruiting professionals are trained and understand how to professionally represent their employer
- Employers may not provide or consume alcohol in recruiting activities

The Career Center is committed to upholding the principles articulated in Clarkson Nondiscrimination Policy and other ethical policies.
Click logo or visit link for the National Association of Colleges & Employers: Principles for Ethical Practices http://www.naceweb.org/career-development/organizationalstructure/principles-for-ethical-professional-practice/